Sunday, February 3, 2008

What exactly is leaky gut syndrome anyway?

So you go to see a Naturopath or a Nutritionist and after your first consultation you're told "You have leaky gut syndrome"! What's Going ON! Are your insides coming out your butt when you have bowel movements, are they bleeding and falling apart? No, not quite.

The simple explanation of what leaky gut syndrome is this. Your intestinal lining due to certain factors it could be chronic inflammation, food sensitivities, or other chronic ailments such as Candida becomes permeable. Microscopic tears begin to form in your intestinal lining and foreign particles can actually bypass your digestive system all together and run right into your bloodstream. These tears generally are as small as being between single digestive lining cells. As a result your food becomes your poison!

What this basically means is that when you digest food it travels through your stomach to your intestinal tract where nutrients are broken down and assimilated into your body. Your body contains many absorption points where it chooses what it wants to take in. The problem with leaky gut is these proteins in your food end up passing through the tears in your intestinal lining and right into your blood stream. At this point your body is crying out "ALERT, ALERT, Forein Particle found DESTROY, DESTROY!" Your immune system fires up as if it was trying to kill off any other kind of infection! Your symptoms could be anything from headaches to asthmatic responses to a runny nose or stabbing pains in your gut or all of the above at once and more!

From my experience I’ve noticed a tendency for leaky gut to develop following severe constipation. For example one man came by my store and had been constipated for over a week a few months back. When he came in he told me how he had been diagnosed with Leaky Gut and he had been trying to work his way back to health ever since. His symptoms were brought on by only two things, Eggs and Wheat (Common Allergens) two foods he claimed to have eaten during that week, otherwise he was perfectly fine.

So what this really tells us is that the first foods that tend to cause problems are the more highly allergenic ones. This is arguably because most people tend to have mild to moderate sensitivities to these foods anyway. When a large particle of wheat protein suddenly makes its way into your bloodstream and you already have a sensitivity to it, it simply exaggerates the reaction to a greater degree. Beyond this for someone without those sensitivities inborn they can be developed by leaky gut.

At the same time if you feel that you’ve always had certain food allergies I believe that not everyone develops these allergies by leaky gut. Some people definetely do but it is wrong for health practitioners to automatically label someone with leaky gut because they get congested everytime they have dairy. Although the diet needed to repair leaky gut is so free of allergens that someone with innate allergies will find relief via the diet as well.

There is an entire article I plan on relating leaky gut development due to Candida, I skipped this for now because it is such a major topic all on its own. For now though you should have a pretty strong idea of how leaky gut develops and what it is.

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