Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Diet for your health vs a Diet built to kill

One’s food is anothers poison. In the case of Leaky Gut Syndrome this is taken to the extreme in some instances. Some diets can become so restricted it’s hard to find anything besides water that you can even tolerate. Extreme diets can work for some people but that’s definetely not the majority. In fact I argue if the complete sugar/carb reduced diets some people with Candida and leaky gut follow are even worthwhile.

When I say some I mean those with specific caloric needs. We all have different body types. In simple terms Ectomorphs, Mesomorphs and Endomorphs. Endomorphs tend to always be looking for the next best diet as their body type holds onto fat and they can gain fat quite easily. Mesomorphs are somewhere in between they put on fat not quite as easily as Endomorphs but the also can have a difficult time getting rid of it entirely. Then there are Ectomorphs like myself who could eat the entire worlds supply of bread and still not gain a pound. So for an Ectomorph their diet requires high intakes of carbohydrates to maintain their bodies high calorie needs. So dieting for an Ectomorph would seem to be a ridiculous idea. Although in the case of diets such as a Candida diet where the objective is to eliminate sugars and carbs to kill off the overabundance of bad bacteria this is exactly what the person does.

This is where the balancing act comes into play. On one end you have an individual suffering from a Candida overgrowth with a need to reduce carbs and eliminate sugars. At the same time if this individual is to drop out too many carbohydrates they put their body in jeopardy as their own energy is compromised. As an ectomorph I’ve had the experience of dropping out my carbs and sugars while following a Candida protocol only to find myself feeling even worse. This wasn’t the result of a healing crisis. This was a food crisis! I was chronically fatigued even worse than before, so when someone suggested that I’d gone off the other end and now was experiencing fatigue due to a lack of carbs I decided to boost up my carb intake again and the symptoms went away.

My whole point is that even a Candida diet protocol isn’t an end all be all. Every “Body” is different and regardless of what the goal or means is that should never be forgotten. Eliminating sugars is definetely a necessity as Bacteria in the presence of sugar has been shown to rapidly develop up to 200x faster! You carb intake should remain stable though! Just eat the right ones. Keep up the Brown rice and eat more Quinoa. I know some people say that Brown rice should only be eaten in moderation but I say if you have a very high metabolism then NO. Your bodies needs come first and foremost ahead of what a cleanse or diet protocol can ever ask!

So even if you may eliminate that candida imbalance quicker by taking out all your carbs if your body was built like mine ( Skinny Man ) then it isn’t meant to happen that way and you need to listen to what your body needs ahead of all else.

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