Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Top 5 Caffeine-Free Natural Energy Supplements, Energy For Hours Without Caffeine!

Need a quick boost of energy that can last for hours, yet everything on the market always seems to be the same thing... Caffeine! Well here are some natural supplements that don't have caffeine, but can still give you a great boost of energy. The main thing to keep in mind is that a caffeine high and energy are NOT the same thing. So when taking some of these if you find you don't have the same reaction as caffeine, remember caffeine is a drug (even though it can be naturally sourced) and the so called energy boost you get from it is the high!

1. Cellfood/Mineral/Oxygen Supplements: Cellfood is an Oxygen supplement with 78 minerals, 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids, electrolytes and of course dissolved oxygen. This one is tremendous because as opposed to just giving a boost of energy it fills in so many nutritional gaps that most people have in one area or another. Correcting your nutritional deficiencies is the first step in increasing your natural energy levels.

How do you use it? Just add around 10 drops to your juice or water. Consume daily up to 3 servings. Always during and after physically active activities.

2. NADH is a Co-Enzyme, a Co-Enzyme is a molecule that can enhance or enable enzymes in the body. It's a key component in cell respiration. Which is the major determining factor in how well your body is able to create ATP which is your cell energy. By combining NADH and Cellfood you will notice a HUGE boost in your normal energy levels, with your cells maximizing their natural ATP output.

How do you use it? You can take anywhere from 5-20mg a day, it's recommended to take early in the day. Even though it doesn't contain caffeine it definetely gets your energy up and may make going to sleep difficult.

3. Super Greens: Super Greens are foods with high amounts of chlorophyll and phytonutrients, the same nutrients you get from your green vegetables. Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, Spirulina and Chlorella are all examples. I'd read that one pound of wheat grass is equivalent to comsuming 100 pounds of baby spinach, now I'm not sure if that's going to be true, either way it's a testament to the nutrient power inside these foods.

My personal favorite is Chlorella, which is the highest natural source of chlorophyll which is a blood purifier. As well it contains significant amounts of DNA/RNA similar to the human strain, so it's a huge contributor to cell regeneration. Oh did I mention it has also been shown to chelate heavy metals out of the body. Heavy metals being claimed as potentially the #1 reason for most illness and disease today! Yeah it's super alright.

How do you use it? Start off slow. 1 teaspoon a day and work up to as much as 1 tablespoon a day. Greens can give you diarrhea if you take too much especially if your body isn't used to them. Just don't say I didn't warn ya.

4. Milk Thistle! Some might wonder what a detoxification herb is doing here on a best energy boost list. I thought it deserved a place here simply because it's the number #1 herb used to regenerate and detoxify the liver. When your liver is clogged and overburdened with toxic waste your energy levels will plummet and nothing is going to help boost that energy back until the root problem is fixed.

How do you use it? Take it daily in a concentrated extract form of 100mg-300mg three times a day.

5. MACA: This herb also known as peruvian ginseng has been a big hit in the market recently. Namely for its adaptogenic effects, meaning it works with the body according to what the body needs at that time. It's rich in minerals and nutrients because like greens foods maca is also a super food. It's biggest boost so far has been in strengthening libido, particularly in women whom I've seen clear the shelves of this product in my store over the course of the last few months.

How do you use it? Take it in a powder or liquid form is ideal. 1 tsp a day tends to be enough although there are no problems with taking more than that a day.

Feeling Tired all the time and can't figure out why, yet nothing seems to help? what are Kevin Trudeau and other authorities on natural healing suggesting? Find out here!


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why The Diet You're Trying To Do Isn't Even Happening!

Change... How badly do you want it. Really think about this one. In my mind there are only two factors that ever bring about change, those outside of yourself that are beyond your control. Or the ones within your control, the ones that you choose to bring about or not. I know from my own experience that you can talk all day about change and read all the books on the subject and still not have any more change occuring than you did before.

To make change happen you have to stop waiting for the factors outside of your control to make the decisions for you and make them yourself.

This idea fully applies to the decisions you make day to day. In taking on a change in eating habits for instance you have to be willing to go and eat differently and apply it! Meaning you need to KNOW which foods you need to eat but more importantly you actually have to EAT them too! It may seem funny that I've decided to devote an entire article to this issue, but I felt that it was a major problem people have when trying to successfully take on a new eating routine. Most people KNOW what it is they have to do to accomplish basic tasks but they won't get done unless the effort is involved in accomplishing them.

So when applying this to a specific restriction diet such as a Leaky Gut diet, or Candida/Parasite cleanse diets the importance is even greater. The reason being the change you want to achieve be it healing up your Leaky Gut or eliminating Candida cannot occur unless specific foods are removed from the diet and others increased. This cannot be done unless you actually throw away the bad foods and buy the good ones. Your body is in constant change itself. It is constantly repairing itself, eliminating wastes, synthesizing nutrients and so forth. This process never stops until the day you die, so if there is any hope in achieving your elimination diet and attaining the health you want then you need to fall into sync with this routine and just as your body repairs itself and requires new nutrients every day you need to supply the body with what it wants...DAILY!

A few keys to making this work are;
- Create a routine where you won't have to make too many changes initially. In the example of cutting out sugar, don't do it overnight, instead anywhere in your diet where you add sugar begin to use an alternative like Stevia or Xylitol.
- Organize the acceptible foods you can snack on together so when you are looking for a quick snack you will know what you can have in stock. To further this always carry a snack on you that follows the restrictions. That way you aren't cheating with fast food or sugary snacks.
- If cooking multiple meals a day is too much work then get into a habit of making larger batches of food. Ie. Cook enough Quinoa to feed yourself for the first half of the day. Store it in a container that can keep the heat in if you are taking it to work and then snack on it through the day.

In the end you need to buy the right foods in advance and toss out the bad ones. Don't leave options available to eat that don't fall under your restrictions. Initially change of any kind can be difficult and challenging, it is the constant effort involved in making it happen that brings about growth and attainment. Stick to it and when you read something like this take what you can from it and apply it. Otherwise thoughts are like the wind and they can come and go but they lack the required foundation to make them become something. Be that foundation for yourself instead of relying on outside forces to make it happen and you'll achieve more than change you'll achieve personal growth and that in the end is what life is about.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Diet for your health vs a Diet built to kill

One’s food is anothers poison. In the case of Leaky Gut Syndrome this is taken to the extreme in some instances. Some diets can become so restricted it’s hard to find anything besides water that you can even tolerate. Extreme diets can work for some people but that’s definetely not the majority. In fact I argue if the complete sugar/carb reduced diets some people with Candida and leaky gut follow are even worthwhile.

When I say some I mean those with specific caloric needs. We all have different body types. In simple terms Ectomorphs, Mesomorphs and Endomorphs. Endomorphs tend to always be looking for the next best diet as their body type holds onto fat and they can gain fat quite easily. Mesomorphs are somewhere in between they put on fat not quite as easily as Endomorphs but the also can have a difficult time getting rid of it entirely. Then there are Ectomorphs like myself who could eat the entire worlds supply of bread and still not gain a pound. So for an Ectomorph their diet requires high intakes of carbohydrates to maintain their bodies high calorie needs. So dieting for an Ectomorph would seem to be a ridiculous idea. Although in the case of diets such as a Candida diet where the objective is to eliminate sugars and carbs to kill off the overabundance of bad bacteria this is exactly what the person does.

This is where the balancing act comes into play. On one end you have an individual suffering from a Candida overgrowth with a need to reduce carbs and eliminate sugars. At the same time if this individual is to drop out too many carbohydrates they put their body in jeopardy as their own energy is compromised. As an ectomorph I’ve had the experience of dropping out my carbs and sugars while following a Candida protocol only to find myself feeling even worse. This wasn’t the result of a healing crisis. This was a food crisis! I was chronically fatigued even worse than before, so when someone suggested that I’d gone off the other end and now was experiencing fatigue due to a lack of carbs I decided to boost up my carb intake again and the symptoms went away.

My whole point is that even a Candida diet protocol isn’t an end all be all. Every “Body” is different and regardless of what the goal or means is that should never be forgotten. Eliminating sugars is definetely a necessity as Bacteria in the presence of sugar has been shown to rapidly develop up to 200x faster! You carb intake should remain stable though! Just eat the right ones. Keep up the Brown rice and eat more Quinoa. I know some people say that Brown rice should only be eaten in moderation but I say if you have a very high metabolism then NO. Your bodies needs come first and foremost ahead of what a cleanse or diet protocol can ever ask!

So even if you may eliminate that candida imbalance quicker by taking out all your carbs if your body was built like mine ( Skinny Man ) then it isn’t meant to happen that way and you need to listen to what your body needs ahead of all else.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

What exactly is leaky gut syndrome anyway?

So you go to see a Naturopath or a Nutritionist and after your first consultation you're told "You have leaky gut syndrome"! What's Going ON! Are your insides coming out your butt when you have bowel movements, are they bleeding and falling apart? No, not quite.

The simple explanation of what leaky gut syndrome is this. Your intestinal lining due to certain factors it could be chronic inflammation, food sensitivities, or other chronic ailments such as Candida becomes permeable. Microscopic tears begin to form in your intestinal lining and foreign particles can actually bypass your digestive system all together and run right into your bloodstream. These tears generally are as small as being between single digestive lining cells. As a result your food becomes your poison!

What this basically means is that when you digest food it travels through your stomach to your intestinal tract where nutrients are broken down and assimilated into your body. Your body contains many absorption points where it chooses what it wants to take in. The problem with leaky gut is these proteins in your food end up passing through the tears in your intestinal lining and right into your blood stream. At this point your body is crying out "ALERT, ALERT, Forein Particle found DESTROY, DESTROY!" Your immune system fires up as if it was trying to kill off any other kind of infection! Your symptoms could be anything from headaches to asthmatic responses to a runny nose or stabbing pains in your gut or all of the above at once and more!

From my experience I’ve noticed a tendency for leaky gut to develop following severe constipation. For example one man came by my store and had been constipated for over a week a few months back. When he came in he told me how he had been diagnosed with Leaky Gut and he had been trying to work his way back to health ever since. His symptoms were brought on by only two things, Eggs and Wheat (Common Allergens) two foods he claimed to have eaten during that week, otherwise he was perfectly fine.

So what this really tells us is that the first foods that tend to cause problems are the more highly allergenic ones. This is arguably because most people tend to have mild to moderate sensitivities to these foods anyway. When a large particle of wheat protein suddenly makes its way into your bloodstream and you already have a sensitivity to it, it simply exaggerates the reaction to a greater degree. Beyond this for someone without those sensitivities inborn they can be developed by leaky gut.

At the same time if you feel that you’ve always had certain food allergies I believe that not everyone develops these allergies by leaky gut. Some people definetely do but it is wrong for health practitioners to automatically label someone with leaky gut because they get congested everytime they have dairy. Although the diet needed to repair leaky gut is so free of allergens that someone with innate allergies will find relief via the diet as well.

There is an entire article I plan on relating leaky gut development due to Candida, I skipped this for now because it is such a major topic all on its own. For now though you should have a pretty strong idea of how leaky gut develops and what it is.

Leaky Gut Syndrome Blogspot has the greenlight

Welcome to my leaky gut blogspot. This blog will focus on all issues concerning leaky gut from the basics like what foods to eat what to avoid. Supplements that will help in repair. Also going into areas such as what kind of supplements help the side effects such as allergies, asthma etc. I discuss different healing protocols which you may find help. As well as any article I can muster up to help with YOUR HEALTH!

So stick around, bookmark this blogspot because there will be some truly great information coming your way that you will not want to miss!